5 tips for creating a mini Garden in a florarium

5 tips for creating a mini Garden in a florarium

Create a special interior in an apartment or house will help miniature gardens behind glass. A piece of nature brought into the everyday environment will fill the room with bright natural colors.

A way out of this situation can be a mini-garden created by your own hands. It can be arranged in any transparent container. Even a novice gardener can do this. The creative process requires patience, small financial and time costs, but it looks much more spectacular than ordinary flowers in pots.

Compositions of plants in transparent containers live in a closed environment. All kinds of natural processes take place within these walls: photosynthesis, growth cycle, and liquid nutrition.

To create a natural accessory, you can use any glass object — an aquarium, a decanter, or a jar. the main advantage of the bottle garden is its compactness. A mini flower garden will easily fit on the windowsill. The decor will fit perfectly into any interior, but it will look especially harmonious in an eco-style.

The Florarium with orchids
The Florarium with orchids

1. Selection of necessary materials.



Elena "Sunshine" Petrova - Elena Sunshine Magazine

Elena Sunshine Magazine® Fresh ideas every day. https://elenasunshinemagazine.com + Researcher, Science Journalist, Certified Nutrition Coach