Laws and Customs of Purim

The duty to celebrate Purim is one of the seven commandments established by our sages, and this duty itself also consists of the seven commandments.

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We celebrate Purim on the 14th and 15th Hadar in memory of the salvation of the Jews from complete extermination during the reign of King Ahasuerus, who ruled the vast Persian Empire. The dignitary of King Haman planned to destroy all the Jews and threw lots (pur) to find out when the time was most suitable for this. According to pur, the holiday is called Purim, and all related events are described in Megillat Esther (Esther’s book). In cities that are not walled, Purim celebrates 14 adaras, and in cities that have been walled since the time of Yehoshua bin Nun, 15 adaras are celebrated. This day, 15 Adar, is called Shushan Purim after the ancient capital of the Persian Empire, the city of Shushan, whose Jews on this day got rid of the mortal danger that threatened them.

The laws of the holiday of Purim are collected in the Mishnah, in the 1st and 2nd chapter of the Megilah treatise, as well as in Toseft for this treatise of both Talmuds — Babylonian and Jerusalem.

The duty to celebrate Purim is one of the seven commandments established by our sages, and this duty itself also consists of the seven…



Elena "Sunshine" Petrova - Elena Sunshine Magazine

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